SCARED TO DEATH – Melodic Thrash/Death Metal
Scared to Death spielen dynamischen Thrash Metal mit Melodie und Power
Metal Einflüssen.
Viele der Songs sind in den goldenen 80´ern verwurzelt und zeigen einen
genretypischen Wechsel zwischen schnellem und mittlerem Tempo.
Man vermittelt den Spirit alter Zeiten mit Heavy Gitarren,
treibenden Drums und rauhen Vocals.
Headbangers and Metal Maniacs … suite up for Deathstruction!
Scared to Death – Thrash Metal from Southern Germany.
Scared to Death plays dynamic and uncompromising thrash metal with
melodic and power metal influences.
Most of the songs are residing in the mid-tempo area and are enrooted in
the golden 80´s.
Heavy guitars, impulsive drums and rough vocals will lash around the
ears of the audience.